
34) What is going on ???

Above: Registered mail tracking copy report from Ingeborg Guettler to the Human Rights Commission in Switzerland. Below: Official Human Rights violation report to Canadian Human Rights Commissioner Bob Ray. With al the  PROVEN COURT DOCUMENT,S and INTERNATIONAL  HUMAN  RIGTHS  Commission involvement totally blatantly ignored by Doug Ford and his Government.  Our by the Ontario Government ilegally retained House, 25 Willow  Cres. is unoccupied for over 2 months, waiting to be transferred to the LEGAL RIGTHFULL OWNER  - Ingeborg Guettler. Mr. Ford, this to is continue brutal elder abuse  and  human  Right's Violation.

33) If You Wondering - Yes We Engaged A Lawyer

 Detailed  are documented in our  BLOG HTTP://FORGOTTENCANADIAN.BLOGSPOT.CA/ in Blog   Nr 101   " Ontario Lawyers License, A License To Cheat and To Rob "

32) Canada Hart To Believe

Above Forged   Court Document: This, Court ruled "invalid Court Order" was used to forcefully evict us, Canadian Senior Citizens, out of our legally occupied residence, 25 Willow Cres.  Tolerated atrocities and totally by Government, ignored human rights violations committed by Ontario Government employed personal. Complete documented information are published on website  HTTP://FORGOTTENCANADIAN.BLOGSPOT.CA/ Blog 3  (Letter to the Hon. Lisa Thomson )   


KONFUZIUS :  Wenn die Worte nicht stimmen, stimmen die Begriffe nicht. Wenn die Begriffe nicht stimmen, wird die Vernunft verwirrt. Wenn die Vernunft verwirrt ist, geraet das Volk in Unruhe Wenn das Volk unruhig wird, geraet die Gesellschaft in Unordnung Wenn die Gesellschaft in Unordnung geraet, ist der Staat in Gefahr. Sworn OATH by Premier Doug Ford: I , Doug Ford, solemnly swear, that I will be loyal to Canada and to the Province of Ontario, that I will uphold the Constitution of Canada and that I will, to the best of my a ability, discharge my duties as Premier faithfully, impartially and to the best of my skill and knowledge.   The Oath is a formal declaration of the Premieres commitment to serving the people of Ontario and upholding the laws and values of Ontario / Canada. At the 19. December 2023, was it 12 years ago, that my house - 25 Willow - was stolen with forged Court Orders. I Ingeborg and my husband Arnold, where exception, that you would fulfill your sworn  DUTY     

30) Weihnachtsfeier in meinem gestolenem Haus 25 Willow Cres

Man kann es nicht glauben. Wir waren so zuversichtlich, dass man meinem Mann und mir zu Weihnachten das Haus endlich wieder gibt und alles legal macht. Aner nein, wieder steht man davor. Ich bin nur froh, dass wir noch durchhalten und dass ich alle Dokumente und auch das Erbrecht in Deutschland hinterlegt habe.  Hier haben wir das Bild, wo man an Weihnachten zusammen feierte in unserem Haus. Es ist doch bewiesene Tatsache, dass mein Hause gestohlen wurde und noch Geld, Geld damit machte. Wie kann ein Staat so etwas zulassen.?    Aber wir werden nicht aufgeben. 

29) For Premier Doug Ford Stealing -------------------------

Updated Jan. 14/2024    For the leader of the Ontario Government it is normal political practice to gain/steal possession of there retirement home from a senior Canadian/Ontario couple. Fore Ontario Premier Doug Ford it is a personal task to enforce his agender by using his power, as a Premier, by ignoring the law? Case in point: 25 Willow Cres. possession was forcefully and ilegally taken from us Canadian Seniors. Brad Calverly was using a by him forged Superior Court Order. He is "now retired."   Superior Court evidence     Above Court document: At that point the order isn't valid. It never had any value it all      

28) 25 Willow Cres. POSESSION Is The Issue

Updated today, June 2/2024 International legal authorities, including Human Rights Commission in Switzerland ruled on the 25 Willow Cres. ilegall possession issue in March 2024. Other Countries including: USA, England, France, Germany,  Russia have taken notice of Ontario's/Canada non compline's of Human Rights international regulations. Premier Doug Ford, what does it take, to give me Ingeborg Guettler , my  by the Ontario Government, ilegally   ( 11 years ago)  optained possession of my House 25 Willow Cres. back? The elder-abuse and Human Rights violations by the Ontario Officials continues.  WE received a phone call at about 1:20 pm from a Ontario Police Officer identifying himself us Officer "Hanley." He issued a tread: if we, my wife Ingeborg and I Arnold Guettler drive by 25 Willow Cres. again he will charge us with criminal harassments.  I guess our, Canadian/Ontario Law-Makers, Politian's and there "law" Enforcers, have not learned or accepted