
Showing posts from February, 2023

17) What goes on in our Country Ontario Canada with the RULE OF LAW?

Forged and ilegally enforced Court Orders - Court Judgments - Proven Money laundering, Title fraud - Crocked  Civil Servant's - Criminal accommodating Police Officers - I could go on and on . Federal , Provincial and Municipal // elected Preventives // have there own agendas. We the people are a political Commodity.  We are in our eighties and helped for over sixties years to build this once magnificence Country Canada. We had established LAWS functional Courts. Now we have Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier Ford telling us, what is right.  The Ontario Government ilegally confiscated our House 25 Willow Cres in Brechin 11 years ago. The Ontario Government ilegally removed us Seniors ( using there Police Force ) brutaly and forceful        out of our legally occupied House. My husband ended up in the hospital. The Ontario Government knowingly allowed our House to be used for Title Fraud and Money Laundering ( $ 2 Million Dollars changed hands during the Title Fraud Flipping of our H