
Showing posts from March, 2023

19) Where Is The Enforcement Of THE RULE OF LAW In Canada?

 March 18/2023  Who is the person/entity, who will enforce the LAW and RIGHTS of a person's constitutional Canadian right? Who has the integrity/respect to give me back my from the Ontario Government stolen House 25 Willow Cres? Ontario Attorney General Doug Downey - Ontario Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique and Ontario Premier Doug Ford  are all in the possession of undisputable Documentation and COURT EVIDENC, that 25 Willow Cres., my house and only residence, was illegally obtained and retained by the Ontario Government .  My house, 25 Willow Cres. is ilegally retained for over 10 years by Ontario Government. Today 18. March 2023 - my house is still ilegally occupied.    There is no reason, other then blatant BLACKMAIL  and COVER UP by Ontario Government for not returning the house to the rightful and lawful owner Ingeborg Guettler.   There are still designated personal of the Ontario Government, who are involved in brutal ELDER ABUSE . This Blog will continue every day with a

18) The Government Elder-Abuse Continues

25 Willow Cres., my house, was ILEGALLY confiscated  by the Ontario Government in 2006. 25 Willow Cres. , while in the temporary ownership of the Crown, was stolen from the Ontario Government on Dec. 9/2010 by Ontario Lawyers.     25 Willow Cres. house possession was then  brutaly  optained by a Ontario Government enforcement Officer. He used as authority a by him forged Superior Court-Order.  Detailed documentation are in blog 3 published in HTTP://FORGOTTENCANADIAN.BLOGSPOT.CA/ Attention Kristina:   Open Letter As you made us, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, believe that you have been designated to be the only legal direct Ontario Government connection.  All the from you  requested legal undertakings, including 60 days notification time were attended and fullered up by us. To inform you: My husband and I driving by our house, 25 Willow Cres. every day to inform our-self of visible status of our stolen residence. Yesterday Mar. 8/2023 I, Arnold Guettler, drove by the house as usabl