
Showing posts from August, 2023

24) In Canada/Ontario Human Rights Fore Many Canadian Seniors Are A Delusion

United Nation Human Rights Counsel Article 5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Canada is a founding member of the 22 Countries Human Rights Counsel and former Ontario NDP Premier Bob Rae is Canadas Permanent Representative. On July 31/2023 Canadas representative, Bob Rae, received by confirmed registered Mail a formal complain from us, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler. The formal letter gave Canadas representative Bob Rae access to unprecedented Court and Official registered documented information. This comprehensive information contained massive, still ongoing 8/23/23, Human Rights Violations, including Elder-Abuse, committed against us 70-80+ Seniors by Ontario Politian's and there Civil Servants.            The registered letter to Bob Rae, presented massive information of Human Rights Violations, including brutal Elder-Abuse committed against us Canadian Seniors by Ontario Government Personal.  As of today 8/24/23, Bob

23) In Most Countries This Would Be Considered Blatant " Human Rights Violations"

Updated August 22.2023   Possession of our residence/house 25 Willow Cres. Ontario/Canada, was forcefully and criminal taken from us, Canadian Seniors (70 +) by the Ontario Government Personal 12 year's ago.  Ontario Government employee BRAD CALVERLEY tock ilegally and forcefully possession of our residence away from us on Dec. 19 2011. He used as authority a by him forged Superior Court-Order.   (Court documented  evidence below) Ontario Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique personally received numerous documented evidence of brutal Human Rights Violations, Criminal Elder Abuse and evidence of total disregard for the Rule of law by the Ontario Government and their Personal. everything is  connected to 25 Willow Cres. What is the real reason, that I don't get   P ossession of my house?  I, Ingeborg Guettler, never expected so much Disrespect and Arrogance from political leaders and  our law-makers in Ontario .  We old Canadian Senior Citizens helped build this great Count