
Showing posts from September, 2023

27) Updated Oct. 5/2023 Criminal Elder-Abuse and Human Rights Violations Continues

Possession of 25 Willow Cres. ( my house and only  living quarters) was ilegally and forcefully taken from us Canadian Seniors by Ontario Government Authorities Dec. 19. 2011 . Verified by documented Court evidence.  Above used fore the eviction Court Document was forged by Brad Calverly. At that time a Ontario Government Employee.  There is no leagal reason for this continued brutal elder-abuse  inflicted to us by the Ontario Government! Premier Doug Ford    Attorney General Doug Downey   Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique   Why do all of you continue with the brutal CRIMINAL ELDER -ABUSE and HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION ? Where is the Responsibility and Sworn Duty from our "elected" Ontario Government?

Premier Doug Ford , Like You Say ... Enough Is Enough

  What about the RULE OF LAW to us Ontario Seniors? What about the HUMAN RIGTH,S to us Ontario Seniors. Did we not waited long long TIME - and should we not finally get possession of my house 25 Willow Cres? Al the issues you have in our Blogs. You also know, that my house was with forged Documents stolen = Court Evidence -                                                                                                                And you also released mistakes and that my issue - 25 Willow Cres. does not go away.                                  I like to see LIGHT and ORDERS to.

25) Canadian Property Laundering

Corrupted Ontario Government Officials and there Personal are directly involved in Property Laundering and criminal cover-up. The Ontario Government unwillingness to address the criminal Human Rights violations and brutal Elder-abuse, gave me no other choice then to contact the permanent Canadian United Nations Human Rights Counsel Representative Bo Rae. Why does  Bob Rae don't answer our letter to him? Does he not know his RESPONSEBILITY ?