
Showing posts from April, 2023

20) Why Due We, In Canada/Ontario, Have Courts And Laws?

March 11/2023 I will continue, from blog 19, each day.  Over the many years, being involved, we have hired and payed lawyers for legal services including: Lawyer Michael Jeffery, Lawyer Paul Feldman, Lawyer Mark Penfold, Lawyer Collin Smith, Lawyer Richard Leighton, Lawyer Fred Chenoweth, Lawyer Robert Pollock, Lawyer Dieter Niebler, Mariola Bednarska, Lawyer Sheldon Barris, Lawyer Robert Zigler, Lawyer Ephraim Fiksel, Ed Brown and Cuban lawyer Emilio Sanchez. Living up to there sworn lawyers oath , in our opinion and experience are, by us hired and payed Ontario Lawyers, including: Lawyer Paul Feldman, Lawyer Mark Penfold, Lawyer Collin Smith, Lawyer Richard Leighton, Lawyer Fred Chenoweth, Lawyer Ed Brown and Cuban Lawyer Emilio Sanchez.     My Lawyer , Collin Smith, rejected to act on some legal issues for me. His stated reason was, in understanding meaning, " his legal character and integrity of the LAW would not help us, battle against the unscrupulous opposition." He co