
Showing posts from October, 2023

28) 25 Willow Cres. POSESSION Is The Issue

Updated today, June 2/2024 International legal authorities, including Human Rights Commission in Switzerland ruled on the 25 Willow Cres. ilegall possession issue in March 2024. Other Countries including: USA, England, France, Germany,  Russia have taken notice of Ontario's/Canada non compline's of Human Rights international regulations. Premier Doug Ford, what does it take, to give me Ingeborg Guettler , my  by the Ontario Government, ilegally   ( 11 years ago)  optained possession of my House 25 Willow Cres. back? The elder-abuse and Human Rights violations by the Ontario Officials continues.  WE received a phone call at about 1:20 pm from a Ontario Police Officer identifying himself us Officer "Hanley." He issued a tread: if we, my wife Ingeborg and I Arnold Guettler drive by 25 Willow Cres. again he will charge us with criminal harassments.  I guess our, Canadian/Ontario Law-Makers, Politian's and there "law" Enforcers, have not learned or accepted