28) 25 Willow Cres. POSESSION Is The Issue

Updated today, June 2/2024

International legal authorities, including Human Rights Commission in Switzerland ruled on the 25 Willow Cres. ilegall possession issue in March 2024.

Other Countries including: USA, England, France, Germany,  Russia have taken notice of Ontario's/Canada non compline's of Human Rights international regulations.

Premier Doug Ford, what does it take, to give me Ingeborg Guettler , my  by the Ontario Government, ilegally ( 11 years ago) optained possession of my House 25 Willow Cres. back?

The elder-abuse and Human Rights violations by the Ontario Officials continues. WE received a phone call at about 1:20 pm from a Ontario Police Officer identifying himself us Officer "Hanley."

He issued a tread: if we, my wife Ingeborg and I Arnold Guettler drive by 25 Willow Cres. again he will charge us with criminal harassments. 

I guess our, Canadian/Ontario Law-Makers, Politian's and there "law" Enforcers, have not learned or accepted the meaning and difference of Victim's and Criminals. 

The, knowingly, accept and tolerate that possession 25 Willow Cres., our only residence, was ilegally taken away from us Canadian/Ontario Seniors by Government uniformed Officials. Confirmed rulings documented in numerous filed Court documents.

   Above document: Court evidence of executed eviction Superior Court Order was forged by Ontario Civil Servant Brad Calverly.

Above: Ilegall, by Police supervised, removal of all, over 50 years accumulated contence including tools.

Above: Court endorsed judgement- The eviction Order isn't valid

However, the in Ontario trained Police ruled (ascertained) that Brad Calverly did not commit  indictable crimes by enforcing the by him Forged Superior Court Order. As far as I know he was never charged of his knowingly committed crimes.   

There are over 20 houses on Willow Cres. nobody ever complained to the Police that we a driving on there road. 

WHY ARE WE STILL DENIED POSSESSION OF OUR RESIDENCE 25 WILLOW CRES.?   Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Ontario Police Commissioner Thomas  Carrique , Ontario Att.General Doug Downey and numerus other Government Official's have full documented and officially filed knowledge , that  POSESSION of 25 Willow Cres. was ilegally and forceful - brutaly taken away from us Canadian Seniors by Ontario Government Officials.  

Government Officials, who where involved  in those criminal Human Rights violating activities, have lost/resigned there jobs  including:  Simcoe County Crown Att.  Minns , Simcoe County Ass. Russel, Ontario Director of Court Services Susan Charendoff, Ontario Government Deputy Director for criminal matter Michael Bernstein, Ontario enforcement Officer Brad Calverly, Ontario Police Officer Kimberley Wild and Kate Zubrickas.                           

 Above picture: Our dear friend Ann enjoying the tranquil created atmosphere of 25 Willow Cres. backyard.  


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