19) Where Is The Enforcement Of THE RULE OF LAW In Canada?

 March 18/2023  Who is the person/entity, who will enforce the LAW and RIGHTS of a person's constitutional Canadian right? Who has the integrity/respect to give me back my from the Ontario Government stolen House 25 Willow Cres?

Ontario Attorney General Doug Downey - Ontario Police Commissioner Thomas Carrique and Ontario Premier Doug Ford  are all in the possession of undisputable Documentation and COURT EVIDENC, that 25 Willow Cres., my house and only residence, was illegally obtained and retained by the Ontario Government . 

My house, 25 Willow Cres. is ilegally retained for over 10 years by Ontario Government. Today 18. March 2023 - my house is still ilegally occupied.   

There is no reason, other then blatant BLACKMAIL  and COVER UP by Ontario Government for not returning the house to the rightful and lawful owner Ingeborg Guettler.  

There are still designated personal of the Ontario Government, who are involved in brutal ELDER ABUSE .

This Blog will continue every day with a new segment. Other detailed information is available at:


March 19/2023

25 Willow Cres. Brechin Ontario our, my husband Arnold and I Ingeborg Guettler's only residence and my  Chelmarc Holding Corp. duly registered home offices was ilegally forfeited, with-out notice, in-to and vest to the Ontario Government June 13/2006 by Ontario Government personal.

Reason given in later correspondence for this action by the Ontario Government was " tax violations" committed by Chelmarc Holding Corp.

June 2015: After a full investigation, Revenue Canada concluded, that there were no tax violations committed by Chelmarc Holding Corp. file closed. 

March 20/2023

After that official ruling, June 13/2015 by Revenue Canada the by the Ontario Government tax secured (forfeited) property 25 Willow Cres. should have been returned and registered to the legal right-full owner Ingeborg Guettler shortly after.

How-ever 25 Willow Cres. was embezzled/stolen from the Ontario Government on Dec. 8/2010 in a criminal conspiracy. Private practicing Ontario Lawyers and Ontario Civil Servant Lawyers were involved in crimes against the Government. Later there ilegall activities were exposed. 

Ontario/Canadian Civil Servants, Government Agencies and private practicing Lawyers conspired to cover up there corrupt criminal activities in Canada and International.

March 21/2023

 Ontario Government personal is still using their power and influence to block any attempt by us, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, to recover our residence.

The legal process in Ontario has become a respect-les tool. It is open to power manipulations and corruption.

 A Superior Court Of Justice Motion issued against the Ontario Government. The IN person Motion was heard before Justice C. Boswell on Nov. 15/2022.

March 22/2023

Ontario Attorney General, Doug Downey's commitment to the public, he was elected to serve.

" The Attorney General for Ontario shall serve as guardian of the public in all matters having to do with the legal profession in anyway."

March 23/2023

Believing in that sworn undertaking/pledge given by the Ontario Attorney General, we started pursuing our Canadian Constitutional human right's path to retrieve our, by the Ontario Government, ilegally taken and still ilegally retained home, 25 Willow Cres.  

March 24/2023

For over 11 years, we informed the Canadian/Ontario Government Officials, including RCMP/OPP Police force with countless letters and documentation's of the corruptive and criminal issues involving there employees, regarding 25 Willow Cres.

The only response we got, were in meaning "don't bother us" and finally a letter from Ontario Government Director for Court services Susan Charendoff  "you can wright and we file it, but we are not answering anymore." How big you pardon? 

March 25/2023

We have received conformation, in writhing, from the Ontario Government highest legal authorities, that the are not willing to pursue with any legal actions against there own colleagues, period. No criminal charges or prosecutions were issue or initiated by the authorities against any of their Civil Servants colleague's. 


                  Michal Bernstein, Ontario Government Deputy Director for criminal matters, "resigned"!                  Canadian Ambassador Keith Christi was expelled from Cuba. 

                Simcoe County Crown Attorney Minns "resigned"

                Susan Charendoff, Ontario Government Director for Court Services, "resigned"

                Simcoe County Assistant Crown Attorney Russel "resigned" 

                Ontario Government enforcement employee, Brad Calverley "resigned"              

                Ontario Police Constable Kimberly Wild "resigned" 

               Ontario Police Constable Kate Zubrikas "resigned" 

And many more participating and accommodating Government Officials/personal, documented in my blogs: Ingeborg Guettler own blog, Ingeborg Guettler 25 Willow Cres. and my husband's blog: HTTP: //FORGOTTENCANADIAN.BLOGSPOT.CA/, resigned or were replaced.     

March 26/2023

Consequently my husband and I alone had to try, to regain possession and ownership of my, by the Ontario Government stolen house, 25 Willow Cres.

Believing in Canada/Ontario Democracy and Justice, we my husband Arnold and I, filed in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, a law sued, Court File No: CV-22-1300 Oct. 17/2022 against the Ontario Government (His Majesty the King in Right of the Province of Ontario).

March 27/2023


           1. The Plaintiff's claims against the Defendant for the following:

               a) The Title and registration of the property known as 25 Willow Cres.

               b) Possession of the property known as 25 Willow Cres.

               c) Such further and other relief as the nature of the case may require.

The Law-sued against "His Majesty the King in Right of the Province of Ontario" was filed in Barrie Court House on Oct. 17/2022 and received the recorded Court File No. CV-22-1300.

March 28/2023

Following the Rule of Practice- Civil Proceedings, the filed Law sued, Court File No. CV-22-1300, was then served on the Province of Ontario by my husband, Arnold Guettler, on Oct. 17/2022 to His Majesty the King in Right of the Province of Ontario.

Receiving, "was served," the Law sued Oct.17/2022 1 pm at Ontario Attorney General Doug Downey's Home Riding Office, 20 Bell Farm Rd. Unit 14 Barrie Ont., was his Assistants Kristen.

Based on all the ilegall activities, we expiries over the last two decades by the Ontario Civil Servants, we personally served the litigation documents directly, with the received signature, to the home office of the Ontario Attorney General, Doug Downey.    

March 29/2023

Judging by common legal sense, legal understanding and documented legal evidence, service of Court File No. CV-22-1300, was completed and as such accepted ( no rejecting correspondents or defense) by the Ontario Government.

In addition, the Ontario Attorney General Office received Court filed Factum and filed Particulars for Court File No:CV- 22-1300. Those filed and legally served documents and electronic stored  information were provided to the Ontario Government giving them access to a very large collection of public evidence and documentation.   

And there-fore the Ontario Government has to respond in writing, with-in 20 days, to the Plaintiffs, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler.

March 30/2023 

No defense, on Court File: CV-22-1300 was filed or served by the Ontario Government in that legally prescribed time-frame.

According to the Rules of Civil Procedure this failure, to defend, entitles the Plaintiffs Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler to seek a default judgment against the Ontario Government, his Majesty the King in Right of the Province of Ontario.  

March 31/2023

My husband attended the Register Office located in the Barrie Court house, 75 Mulcaster St. Barrie On. The purpose for this visit was to request a defaulted Judgment on Court File: CV-22-1300 against the Ontario Government. 

Do to the extra ordinary circumstances the Barrie Court registrar, Brendan McCarthy, did not authorized the default Judgment against his Majesty the King in Right of the Province of Ontario.

April 1/2023

He, Brendan McCarthy, ruled that we, Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, have to file and serve a Motion in order to get a default Judgement against the Ontario Government. 

This default Judgement Motion against the Ontario Government has to be heard and ruled by a Judge.

April 2/2023

Obvious suggestion, " get a lawyer, the know the law and procedure's. " Very simple and straight. That's what you suppose to due. Previously we, my wife Ingeborg and I, Arnold Guettler hired Ontario registered lawyer Dieter Niebler to deal with the same legal issues.

He was hired and paid the $10,000 requested, upfront retainer, to use his legal expertise and to properly address the legal issues regarding my wife's properties 25 Willow Cres. Brechin and 2559 Lakeshore Rd. Ramara.

April 3/2023

The retained and paid Ontario lawyer, Dieter Niebler, assigned and directed the retainer funds to his independent very junior partner, Mariola Bednarska.

She, Mariola Bednarska, seemed to just came out of law school and totally messed up the legal litigants and legal issues. Documented in: HTTP// FORGOTTENCANADIAN.BLOGSPOT.CA/

Blog 26) Lawyers-Today's Highly Trained " Raub Ritters" ( Robber Knights)

Blog 101) Ontario Lawyers License, A License To Cheat And To Rob. 

April 4/2023

Were her, Mariola Bednarska's, unprofessional and utterly ridicule's legal actions and documentations professional incompetence's or was she directed?

Based on these experiences we had to proceed the legal journey alone. We lost all trust in lawyers even fellow, in Canada, "German born Country-Men" lawyer Dieter Niebler.

April 5/2023

The lawyers oath of practice has become an empty mirage. It is used by the lawyers as advertising to convince you, the public, of there integrity (honesty incorruptibility) character.

The, on the Bible, sworn oath of Ontario license lawyers:

"I accept the honor and privilege, duty and responsibility of practicing law as a barrister and solicitor in the Province of Ontario.

I shall protect and defend the rights and interests of such persons as may employ me.

I shall conduct all cases faithfully and to the best of my ability.

I shall neglect no one's interest and shall faithfully serve and diligently represent the best interests of my client.

I not refuse causes of complaint reasonable founded, nor shall I promote suits upon frivolous pretense.

I shall not pervert the law to favor or prejudice any one, but in all things I shall conduct myself honestly and with integrity and civility.

I shall seek to ensure access to legal services.

I shall seek to improve the administration of justice.

I shall champion the rule of law and safeguard the rights and freedoms of all persons.

I shall strictly observe and uphold standards that govern my profession.

All this I do swear or affirm to observe and perform to the best of my knowledge and ability. 

April 6/2023

Lawyers oath "I shall seek to ensure access to legal services." Believing in those professional published undertakings and skills, integrity, honesty and incorruptibility was the reason that we hired and paid in Ontario learned lawyer to deal with our legal prior issues. 

April 7/2023

Over the many years, being involved, we have hired and payed lawyers for legal services including: Michael Jeffery, Paul Feldman, Mark Penfold, Collin Smith, Richard Leighton, Fred Chenoweth, Robert Pollock, Dieter Niebler, Mariola Bednarska, Sheldon Barris, Robert Zigler, Ephraim Fiksel.

April 8/2023

Living up to there sworn lawyers oath, in our opinion and experience are, by us Ingeborg and Arnold Guettler, hired and payed Ontario lawyers, including: Lawyer Paul Feldman, Lawyer Mark Penfold, Lawyer Collin Smith, Lawyer Richard Leighton and Lawyer Fred Chenoweth.

April 9/2023

My Lawyer, Collin Smith, rejected to act on sum legal issues for me. His stated reason was, in understanding meaning, " his legal character and integrity of the law would not help us battle against the unscrupulous opposition." He could not deal with this or serve me properly.

April 10/2023

Here again my husband and I were put in a situation were we had to make a decision, give up or learn to address the legal issues our-self. The task was, how due we fight/defend, obvious  Canadian/Ontario Government committed crimes and total corruption?

One of many "case in point" Court evidence: My house (only living quarter) and home office of Chelmarc Holding Corp. 25 Willow Cres. was wrong-fully forfeited into and owned by the Ontario Government on April 13/2006. Detailed information are factual documented in my husbands blog        HTTP//FORGOTTENCANADIANBLOGSPOT.CA/  Blog.3) "Open Letter To Hon. Minister Lisa Thomson"





















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